Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pop Art

I started my project by taking A LOT of pictures. So once I got my pictures taken I went into the computer and picked my nine. Once you pick your nine it is a very time consuming process to get the photos cropped, cut the back out and laying your color. So I got it done and here it is.

Monday, September 9, 2013


I took this picture during photo class with Jesus, Cedric this was one of the funnier projects that i have done with this class but it is still early in the year. :) Also I like the transition of the two. I think it is very cool how you can do this on the computer. Also I would like to do more of these during the year

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

About Me

My name is Vinnie Bruzzi. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia I moved out to California at the age of 4. Some of my hobbies are baseball, biking and anything that there is to do for fun. I am very insterested in cars, bikes, and thing that has wheels and rolls. Also i am very insterested in photography I have been taking picture from the age of 5 it has just been a love for me i love the way one photograph can explain so much. My goals are to save up some money to get a car by the end of the year. Also another one of my goals is to get a 3.5 GPA or higher.